Mom & Baby Yogi: Open to mothers 4 weeks post-delivery or 6 weeks postcaesarian and babies 1 month until pre-crawling. (Or not crawling too far or too fast) Mom & baby yoga classes provide an opportunity to regain strength and flexibility, to bond with your baby in an enjoyable activity and to make friends with other moms.
Mom & Tot Mini Yogi (age 2-3): This class develops body awareness, language, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation. It teaches children about teamwork, their environment and inspires their imaginations. This class balances quiet and active poses with game playing, singing, storytelling, simple breath meditations and rest. Our yoga classes will build towards developing a strong yoga vocabulary.
Mini Yogis (age 3-5 and 6-9): This class develops body awareness, language, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation. It teaches children about nature, their environment and inspires their imaginations. This class balances quiet and active poses with game playing, singing, storytelling, simple breath meditations and rest. Our yoga classes will build towards developing a strong yoga vocabulary.
Yin/Restorative: In this 60-minute class we will focus on restoring the mind and body, bringing ourselves back to the parasympathetic nervous system where we don't spend nearly enough time. This class is spent in longer holds, about 3-5 minutes, working into the fascia of the muscles to release tension and create space. The sequence of postures is meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body and is suitable for all levels.
Slow Flow: This 60-minute class will be a balanced style class of asanas (postures), covering all the basics and foundations for a strong yoga practice. This class will have a flow to it but will move at a slower pace to allow for modifications and explorations. This class will build strength, deepen awareness, and increase balance and flexibility. An excellent class to learn to care for your body and build a solid foundation. Suitable for all levels.
Contact Us for a full program guide of classes and camps, or information on daycare, school or community event visits!